Yup. I watched Ip Man 2 also. Watching Ip Man 2 is a must no matter what. And yes, It was soooo nice. I felt so touched after watching it.
The movie has two main attractions.
1) The battle between Wing Chun vs. Hung Ga martial arts =>

2) The battle between Wing Chun vs. Boxing =>

This angmo was called Twister. He was really a bastard. He insulted the chinese kung fu. Hmph! See how Ip Man punished you!

The most meaningful dialog in this movie is


"Person's status may be a hierarchy, but personality is not something which the other" (from Google's Translator)

All I can say after watching this movie is that I am so proud being a Chinese. 我是大马的中国人!

Rating for Ip Man: /


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